+1 to the Merchant Family!

We've decided to keep a blog to update our family and friends about our grand family adventure to Taiwan to pick up Malia Lien-Fang Kahikina Merchant, the newest member of our family. Malia was born on July 7, 2012, and lives in Taipei with her foster family. The boys are skipping out on two weeks of school to come and meet their new sister and to get to know her homeland a little.

Malia Lien-Fang Kahikina Merchant and her family

Malia Lien-Fang Kahikina Merchant and her family
First family picture!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Paperwork, Paperwork

We continue to get ready for what we're calling "Malia Day," April 29, 2014.  Our preparations are a whirlwind of paperwork, telephone calls, and coordination.  We'll be staying for just under two weeks -- leaving the night of April 20 and returning mid-day on May 2.

The boys have received permission to miss school, but they have to do all of their homework before they leave.  Although they are so excited to see Malia that they are about to pop, the increased homeowerk is not appreciated one bit!  They're getting it done, but not happily.

It's pretty clear that we are the first HIC family to travel to Taiwan in a while.  The directions we're getting from HIC sometimes conflict with the directions from USCIS (Immigration) or from Chung Yi (Taiwan), and it's been a real effort to figure out how to fill out the various documents.  We're working our way through, though, and keeping our spirits up.

Less than two weeks 'til we go!

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